Monday, June 21, 2010

Look me straight in the eyes and tell me everything you have told me lately. Cant do it? Didnt think so.

So I have so much I want to write about. HOWEVER. All my thoughts are currently jumbled in my brain and I cant think what-so-ever. So while I take the day to organize my thoughts, I decided to take one of those surveys to fill in for todays post. Sound good? Ya i thought so too.

Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Ten People:

1. You are my bestest friend and you have been there for me no matter what this summer. We have made what could have been a sucky summer into one of the best ones yet. You have no idea how much I cherish our friendship and I hope that we can stay friends forever and ever and ever!

2. Words cannot describe how happy I am that I met you this summer. You are an amazing girl and I looooooove you. bffffffsssssss :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]

3. Through thick and thin you guys have been there for me. I love yall so much and I wish that I could repay you for all the amazing things yall have done for me. I am so thankful that we have such a good relationship and I hope that it only gets stronger with the years.

4. I secretly adore you.

5. You went from being a pretty great friend to being probably the worst friend possible. I really dont consider you a friend at all anymore. Your never there for me and I really dont feel like trying anymore than I already did. Sorry.

6. You are the fakest person I know. Maybe when you can be one personality for longer than a week, we could be friends again.

7. I love you with all my heart. Your the best friend someone could ask for. Please take care of yourself and dont let the little things bug you. You are an amazing girl and I wish you could see that. GofranksGO.

8. Sometimes I miss you. Sometimes I wonder why I wasted so much time with you. Sometimes I resent you. Overall though, im glad we arent us anymore. Its for the best. We arent as perfect as we thought we were.

9. Your just as bad as number 5. You just dont realize it. You talk a lot behind the backs of others and then get your feelings hurt when you find out someones talking about you. Karmas a bitch i guess.

10. You are a loser.

Nine things about myself:
1. I have some of the best friends possible. They are amazing people and you should probably get to know them
2. I sleep completely surrounded by pillows and stuffed animals. It makes me feel safe and not so lonely
3. I either really trust people or have very little trust in people. Theres no like middle ground for me
4. I love talking to people and making them laugh. Interacting with people is one of the best feelings in the world to me
5. Drama really stresses me out but a lot of times I find myself in the middle of it because I am usually friends with both sides and me being the stupid person i am tries to help work out both sides.
6. I am a very forgiving person as long as you talk to me. Im not going to waste my time on you though if your just sitting back and talking behind my back. Im still friends with some boyfriends/friends that have been so mean to me in the past purely because we have been able to talk things out and forgive eachother.
7. I have really bad ADHD the inattentive form of it so if it looks like im not paying attention to you just like wave your hand in front of me or something. And if you want me to do something for you I usually dont have a problem doing it but just remind me every once in a while cause my memory is not very good
8. I am extremely addicted to candy.
9. I have learned that living your life is better than dwelling on the past and wasting your life. I am very open and honest and I feel like it has benefited me so much. Get to know me. You may be surprised.

Eight ways to win my heart.
1. I love someone that can make me laugh for hours
2. Get me candy and baby back ribs
3. Be open and honest ALWAYS
4. Surprise me every now and again. Theres nothing more boring than doing the same thing every day
5. Take me on adventures
6. Dont try to make me jealous cause believe me I will get jealous and when I do its just not fun for either of us.
7. Have your own life and let me into it. Dont make me your whole life and I wont make you my whole life. Sharing is caring lol
8. Let me know your feelings :]]

Seven things that cross my mind a lot.
1. love
2. my family
3. friends
4. my future
5. boys
6. music
7. my fears

Six things I do before I fall asleep
1. Brush my teeth
2. Put on my most comfortable shirt
3. Fluff my pillow
4. Swan dive into bed
5. Listen to music
6. Shut my eyes

Five people who mean a lot
1. God.
2. My family.
3. The Crew (savy, drewbie, nasty, sarah, frednugs, crew ever lol)
4. My old math tutor Mrs. Ford. She is the reason why I passed high school
5. You (you know who you are. no matter what. ill always care)

Four things you're wearing right now.
1. A black and white top
2. Jean Capris
3. My favorite green flats
4. underwear

Three songs that you listen to often.
1. Pretty Boy Swag
2. With you (stars of track and field)
3. We do it for fun parts 1-5

Two things you want to do before you die.
1. Love someone with ALL of my heart.
2. Live with no regrets.

One confession.
1. Sometimes i find bad things in people just to be angry with them or just to hate them to prevent them from hurting me first.

** i want to hear yalls feedback. AND ALSO. please do not assume the ten things i would like to say to people are about you and freak out and text me all in a panic. Just give me a number and ill tell you who its referring to kay?**


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