Friday, June 18, 2010

And this, this could be the summer when i grow up

Yesterday I saw a ghost from my past. I saw him. Not frequently blogged about him but THE original him. Confusing I know. But weirdly, it actually was really helpful. I mean its not like i talked to him but i saw him and stalked him out for a couple minutes (lol) but it made me realize something huge. I dated him for the longest time. We were always on and off and then on again and then off again. But when we finally ended things for good. My heart was truly broken. This guy was my world for so long and he was one of the only real boyfriends I ever had. While there is no doubt in my mind that I do not have a single feeling for this guy anymore, it kind of makes me sad that we do not even talk anymore. And as petty as this sounds we arent even facebook friends. Its like i stare at pictures of when we were us and it sucks because I do not remember those times as vividly as I remember the long drawn out break up we had. It just makes me come to terms with other boys and other relationships ending because its like this was the most serious thing I ever had and look where I am now. I am over this boy and my life has moved on. Break ups are NEVER the end of the world. As much as they hurt and tear you apart, in the end they only make you stronger. He has a girlfriend now and I am very happy for him. They seem good together and as much as I would like to talk to him and catch up on his life, it probably will never happen. But i do want to thank him for loving me when he did and breaking up with me when he did because after all of that I know what I want and I know how I should be treated and I am so much stronger because I know that if i can get through that terrible break up then i can literally get through any break up.

I love my friends. Like so much. My friend sav is pretty much my life coach when it comes to boys and she literally made my day this morning when i was telling her about my little encounter yesterday. "I have done a WHOOOLEEEE lot of thinking on first loves and ex boyfriends and have come to the conclusion that every guy contributes to your life in a very important way. Some have your past but only one has your future. Its just a matter of figuring out which guy is meant for what point in your life. S was the best guy for you while you dated and B was in high school now you just have to wait for the one who will carry you into the next chapter of your life" and that just opened my eyes and made me see so much more clearly then i have in a while. I dont know what im saying right now though. I am so tired and I honestly think I am going to go into a coma right now. All that needs to be said is that I adore my friends and my life right now is amazing. I had some tough times leading up to this past year and I truly do believe now that if you just keep pluggin away and not letting your bad moments stop you from living your life, you will be rewarded and your life wont always suck :)

And since I havent written anything about this subject yet i guess I will take the time to write: BRAZIL IS GOING TO WIN THE WORLD CUP. no questions asked. Im watching the US game right now at work and I think im literally going to throw this computer against a wall if i see one more facebook post about how much howard sucks. HOWARD CARRIES THE US TEAM. its not his fault that his defensive line cant figure out how to get rid of the ball. But lets get real here. Brazil is just an overall great team. They work perfectly together, they have amazing ball handling skills (bahahaha) and they are just amazing.

Have a great weekend people. :-) and hey, keep sendin me stuff and feedback!!!

crazy nights and days
love summer '10 :)

1 comment:

  1. Aw I love my life too! There is a light at the end of every tunnel and I am so glad you can see that. Just think of S and B as people who prepared you for something better in life. The past IS the past and though it does not need to be forgotten it is only a sall portion of what you have left to experience in life. So keep on truckin' and posting your blogs and you will see the other side of the rainbow.
