Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me?

Its June 24th, 2010 at 12:30 in the afternoon

and i think im dying.

No but really. I have the most violent hiccups of my life right now. I tried to swallow some water and I hiccuped while swallowing and well lets just say i spat the water everywhere. these hiccups are really starting to make my body sore too. Its like the best workout in the world. Weirdly though i actually am likin these hiccups. The sound is like a perfect "HIC-CUP". I have always liked weird things. I love the sound of my voice right when im losing it. I love sneezing because my sneeze is so loud (and over dramatized a bit) and sometimes i get so into the sneeze i end up hitting my head on something. The worst feeling in the world to me is when you HAVE to sneeze soooo bad but it just wont come out and you stand there staring at the sun trying to force the sneeze out and it just wont happen. And you feel so unsatisfied and defeated. Its horrible. Other weird things i like: peeling sunburn, clavicles, different shaped ears, chipped nail polish, people with too much jewelry on, burping after drinking something SUPER carbonated, scratching a really good scratch, peeling off scabs, talking to people i dont know, dancing in large crowds when no one else is dancing, and the list really goes on and on. I think im kind of a weird kid and if you dont think i am then thank you because that means that you have found some sort of normalcy in me that i havent found yet and i would love to know what it is. :)
Ive got a good weekend ahead of me and I cant wait to be with all my friends (its not like im not with them everynight of every day lol) but I also get to see my sister and all my family members on sunday and I honestly can not remember the last time we all got together so it will be nice. The office i work at is so quite right now and time is literally not moving. i looked at the clock ten minutes ago and i just looked at it again and its only been about 2 minutes. But I KNOW FOR A FACT its been ten minutes.

So, update on Aveda. I have one more appointment to make and then I start November 29th. At my next appointment with the admissions lady, i will be paying my application fees and KIT FEE!!!!!! AHHHH im so excited. I will have my very own Aveda Kit! complete with mannequin heads, clippers, brushes, combs, straightner, dryer, diffuser, books, and more. And of course my very own Aveda Institute uniform shirts. I am just beyond excited. But it has me thinking so much about my future. I graduate from school christmas 2011. That is soooooo soon! And then i am done. I will be officially out in the real world. And there are so many things that I planned to do in college that I will no longer be able to do before im there. But at the same time a lot of those plans have come true. I wanted to find myself in college, I wanted to experience something new, I wanted to get a good education doing something I love to do and wont regret choosing years from now, and I want love. I think that in the year I will be at Aveda I will be able to accomplish most everything with the exception of love because you cant really accomplish love. Love happens. Which brings me to a point that has been on my mind for some time now. Some couples spend so much time trying to work on their love and try to make love happen again but when did love become something that we can control? Love is love. And it is a feeling and something that is rooted in your heart and once there grows into something amazing and everlasting. You cant work on a feeling. You cant make yourself feel something thats not truly in your heart.
anywho thats my two cents and a half on dat.
Im lookin forward to a good life. I will hit a lot of bumpy roads but I know I can be strong no matter what. Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed. We are only given one life, no re-dos, so live it up and live it well :))))) have a great weekend all and keep the comments comin!!

And may the wings of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars.

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