Wednesday, June 9, 2010

And every things going to the beat

I dont need you. You say you dont talk that much but thats a lie. And you and I both know that so do not play that game with me. Your fake and selfish. You think youve hit rock bottom? You have no idea what rock bottom is. You do not care about anyone. There are bigger problems in the world than what your going through right now and you got yourself into exactly what your dealing with right now so i have ZERO sympathy for you. You play me like I am a fool. And I feel like you think that I NEED you in my life. I dont. You take up a very little part of my life now because I know you feel the same way about me. Why the heck should I show anymore concern for you if your not going to do the same for me? I wish I could say that I hope this never happens to you but I mean who am I kidding. It happens to everyone. So when it happens to you im going to sit back and watch you crumble. Just like your doing to me right now. You tell me one thing and then let me down later on. Just stop. Grow up. We are adults. This isnt high school so stop being so gay (i apologize to the gay community the use of that word is not to be taken as a derogatory term). Oh and next time you decide to be a hypocrit, take it elsewhere cause I have no time for that kay? You were supposed to be there for me through a time like this and you dipped out. Friend or not you know stuff about me that no one else knows and I honestly regret telling you so much and letting you into my life so much. You punked out. Thats all I can say. When things got just a little hard you dipped. Just like you did with everything. When friends got weird you ignored them. When school got too much you quit trying. When things got rough with me and you, you took the easy road out. And now. Your life is messed up. You go back to what your comfortable with because your scared of the real world and scared of taking risks that could actually be good for you. So ya. If your happy with the life your living and how your treating people then good for you. But if that is the case, you better get your eye sight checked cause your not seeing clearly. And you best believe I am not the only one that believes you messed up.

I am not in a bad mood. Ha not at all actually. I think I may have a fever but thats all. I had to vent for a second but now I am allllll GOOOOOOOOOD. I love my friends fo real though. Like real talk. Last night we played a late night game of four square and swung on swings. Ha its nights like that, that make you feel like a kid again. With me having to grow up so fast and make so many adult decisions and careers ahead of me its nice to go back to my roots and just be a kid again. Cause before I know it I am going to be a serious workin woman ha. One thing though. I just thought of was how scared I am that people wont take me seriously in the real world. I am still pretty young and I will be working in a salon by the time I am 20 but lets be honest here, I look about 16 or 17 so i mean what person is going to want to come get their hair done by a stylist that looks like a kid? I think im gonna get surgery done to make me taller and older looking HA just kidding. I am thankful for my youthful look cause before I know it im gonna be saggy and gross haha not a pretty picture.

Anyways its 5 which means OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRK!!!! yayayayayayayayay. But for those of you who read this send me a text or a facebook message and give me some ideas of what to talk about!! I wont mention your name or anything I just love being able to have topics to talk about. I have an opinion about nearly everything lol so let me know!! Dont be shy!!!


ps. i hope all this makes sense. I just drank some hot tea and it had some caffeine in it and now im bouncin off the walls hahaha

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