Friday, June 4, 2010

From Pirates to Posers and everything in between

When I grow up I want to be a pirate. I want to explore the world and live with no limits. I want to discover new places and find joy in being free. With the exception of my probable need to take Dramamine all the time, life on the see would be the life for meee. All I need now is to find a co-pirate :) Living my life like that would be ideal. It would be so drama free worry free. But thats not real life. Real life throws you curve balls and puts you in situations to make you stronger. While I hate that life can really suck sometimes, I am the person I am today because of bad situations that helped me improve myself. So maybe I should live my life, my normal life, go through everything, experience everything and I can retire when Im old and then I can finally be a pirate :)

*uhm just a side note about being a pirate....its meant to be. Im drinking a tea right now called "Black Pearl" coincidence? i think not*

I am finally at a place in my life where I know what I will be doing and I know what I want out of life. I have good friends and I dont need to waste my time on people that dont care for me the way I care for them. Im weeding out the negatives and filling the open spots with positive things. I was just recently talking to a friend. Ive known her for about 4 years now. And she is honestly one of my only high school friends that has kept in close touch with me and that I still have a great connection with. She is going through a situation similar to mine and we were talking today about boys (of course) and questioning why we ever thought we needed these people in our lives once they hurt us. Its like we feel we need these people from our past and we yearn to text them and call them but what do we actually get out of the situation? nothing. we get hurt again. Its time for us (and anyone feeling the same pain) to move on. Life will be so much more positive if you can get rid of the negatives. You CAN control the negatives and positives in your life. You ARE in control of your life. So why settle for emptiness and unhappiness. Why sit back and dwell because lord knows the person your fretting over is NOT fretting over you. Like the movie "Hes just not that into you" the guy says "if a guy really likes you, he WILL make it happen" so ladies, lets live our lives and let the boys come to us and boys, get a move on cause being single is only fun for so long until it becomes too lonely.

Have you ever met a poser. Like truly met someone and then the next day talked to the same body but met a completely different person. And then the day after that body transforms into another person. ha. Okay people lets get one thing straight. Your never going to find happiness, true friends, or a soulmate if your always posing. I know this girl. I used to consider her a VERY close friend. When she was with me she was normal, fun loving, always up for a good time. Then she met another girl. My friend, lets just call her friend from now on, friend and this other girl started talking. And before I knew it they were literally twins. And its not just this one occurrence. This girl literally had 4 different personalities back in the day. It amuses me. Cause she acts so above everyone and so much different but in reality she is exactly what she is constantly saying she hates. Normal. Your not any different when you TRY to be different. There are those special people out there that are just quirky and different. And you can tell a difference between those people and the people who are just being quirky and different just to fit a personality they think they like. See that kind of stuff baffles me. Its like those kids that are all friends cause they think they are just so different and meant to be different in the world are really not different. cause they are hanging out with like 20 of the same personalities. (make sense? maybe? maybe not?) They are posers. POSERS. I felt the need to make that big. But for real. People you know how you can be different? By being yourself. Cause I guarantee you there is no one else in the world who is you. ha.

I need one thing and one thing only in my life. Happiness. And i think so far I am pretty happy. My life is going in the most perfect direction. I know exactly what I want and what Im doing. Im starting my career in like a year and a half! like its crazy how fast im growing up but im ready for it. My goal for the rest of this year is just not to let the little things get me down. I have to look at the big picture. I am fine. My life doesnt suck (even though sometimes i believe it does) there are so many people in the world that have less than me so I should just be happy with what im given. Life is something that should be cherished. So go out meet new people! Meet me! ( if you dont already know me). Do what you want and what you love.

Im gonna start ending these with song quotes or just songs titles that i would like to share mostly cause I either just heard the song and got really excited about it or the song is stuck in my head

So. You should probably go look up the song: "What if" By Meg and Dia.

Not scared.
I know you thought I was shakin' fast in my own two shoes
But these soles could fight the ocean waves,
Dirty laundry, and world war II


1 comment:

  1. Ahoy,
    There was this 16yr old Australian girl named Jessica Watson who sailed around the world and just finished her trip this past year. (I think she has the world record for youngest person to sail around the world) Look her up. Anything is possible. I'm sure no matter what age you decide to be a pirate Kim, you can be great at it. =]
    Ps- You have to come up with a good pirate name and possibly grow some facial hair.
