Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ive got a pocket full of Sunshine

So...i really dont understand these little games your trying to play with me. But you might just want to stop, your wasting your time. Because we can both play those games, but you just dont even realize im so much better at them than you are. You havent even seen the worst of me yet. And i really hope that no one that ive become friends with recently has to see that cause its not very nice. :) anyways.....

We had a GOOD night last night. I love my friends but I misssseddd sav. SO COME HOME NOW MISSSS! your tan enough and everyone misssssssessss you. But for serious. I have recently been blessed with some really great friends. Some new some old but seriously I just feel like everything is falling into place perfectly. Everything happens for a reason and to be honest if i were in certain situations now that i was previously in, I dont think that my life would be working as well as it is. Take for example. My dream since I was little was to go to cut hair. For some reason I just have always wanted to do that. When I was in like 8th grade or something I started going to Van Michals Salon and my stylist Jenny, the most AMAZING person, told me she went to the Aveda Institute. Ever since then it has been my dream to go to Aveda. Jenny had such an impact on my life and I have always wanted to be just like her. She would always tell me I was her little sister cause we had similar crazy curly hair (hers was WAY curlier) and she was always helping me with boys and school and everything. This past year I got into a relationship with someone that I cared for very much. Things obviously went to fast and I started compromising my happiness to try and make this person happy. The person one day decided to tell me that they were transferring schools and if we were meant to be then we would work it out. So instead of being like oh ok ya sounds good, I almost went to another cosmetology school just to be closer to him!! WHY DO WE GIRLS DO THIS!? why do we compromise our lives our plans our happiness for BOYS!? Because looking back there was NO hesitation in his decision to change schools. But in all honesty, i am happier than ever right now. My life is perfect. **knock on wood** i have my hard times BELIEVE ME. but look at everything that is positive in my life. And to anyone ANYONE that is feeling down and low right now, like me, you have the ability to change that. One of the main reasons why your low, like i was, is because your dwelling. Dwelling on the past, on what could be, when you should wake up and see that you have SO much you can do with your life and so many positives that could appear in your life but they are never going to happen if you keep living in the past! Live for the moment. Live free and forget about your negatives.

I want to take this time to thank everyone for reading this and giving me so much support on this. I love you all and I still want to hear what everyone thinks about it and im always open to new things to write about soooo dont be shy! Let me know via text or facebook!!!!!


"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."
-marilyn monroe

1 comment:

  1. I dwell a lot. It's so hard for me to live in the moment like you said. All I ever do is think about how something will play out or what did she mean by that or does that person like me or what if I can't do what I've always dreamed of doing with my life. Then I start getting depressed because I'm oversensitive and overthink everything in my life. And you're right. If I just stop thinking so much into things, I can realize just how lucky and gifted I really am. My condolences for your guy trouble. I know that it can be rough sometimes, but stay true to yourself and everything should fall into place. You have so much more ahead of you and I am excited for you. The best is yet to come and babe, won't it be fine.
