Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A city sparkles in the night How can it glow so bright?

My friend and I decided that it would be a great idea to make a television show following our lives. The trials and tribulations of growing up but not like Laguna Beach or the Hills or anything that is obviously set up. We would set it up like the real world perhaps but just not in a controlled environment, if that makes any sense. We would be the narrators and the show would focus in on an event that is shaping that person (i.e. my going to cosmetology school, his brand new company) and it would also touch on the stories of our friends that we are closest with. I truly think that if we really sat down and figured it out, we could make it into a really great show.

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately, about boys and relationships and that sort of thing. It has come to my attention that boys and girls truly are not equal. Why is it that when a girl likes a guy she has to wait patiently to even just get him to start talking to her. And if she starts getting over bearing or clingy or expecting too much too soon, the guy is in no way in the wrong for gettin the hell out of the situation. He isnt expected to do anything, its like the girls feelings are not really even an item of concern to him. BUT when the tables are turned, and a girl is just playin the field and a guy gets attached to her, its like she is the biggest bitch in the world. The guy has every right to throw a tantrum and trash her to all his friends. SO why is it that? Why is it that a girl cannot treat guys the same way guys treat girls. So what? A girl kisses you or hugs on you at a party and all of a sudden she is your property? I do not think so. I am not in any way promoting girls or boys to go out and be promiscuous but if a girl flat out says, she does not want to date then you should know exactly what you are getting into if she starts flirting with you or anything like that. The girl should not be expected to owe anyone an apology (except in a certain situation i had with my best friend but its kind of different with him and i was in the wrong for that situation) but back to what i was say, guys dont apologize to every girl they "lead on" so why should I have to? Everyone just needs to grow up and see that when a girl, says something like she just really is not trying to date AT ALL, that she is not going to feel that bad when she ditches you for the next phase she goes through. As harsh as that sounds its r
eality. And anyone reading this, like i said before, none of the above relates to the situation I had with my best guy friend, it was different and it as my mistake and I took and am still taking the consequences for what I did.

Lastly, I would like to touch on one certain subject. A question about my tattoos came up on my formspring so I thought it would be a good idea to clear the air about my tattoos. I got the tattoos for me. It was my way of expressing stages in my life and no, I did not go crazy. I have always been this person, but i went to a school that made me hide who I really am but the truth is I got two of the tattoos while I was still at marist so people should have expected me to do this. And yes, I do understand that when I am old they will be all saggy and gross but guess what, so will the rest of my body so I really dont care too much. Ha. I know that when I am older and I have kids and they ask about my tattoos, I am going to be able to look back and see what each one represented and yes, although I tell people that they dont mean anything, they do. Actually every single one of them has a meaning to me but I DO prefer not to tell people because it is a personal part of my thoughts that provoked me to get each one. And one last thing about my formspring, I have gotten a lot of questions about who I am still friends with and if I still like certain people. Let me get one thing straight. I do not hate anyone. But yes, I have fallen off the Marist radar. Do i care? Not really. I got left out of a lot of things in high school and I at first was so bitter about it but I came to the realization that marist is a school of certain stereotypes and social standards and I just do not support that. I love the school but some people just have the wrong ideas about life and I chose not to surround myself with those type of people. But I mostly chose not to "hang out" with a lot of high school friends because a lot of people do not fully understand the stage I am at in my life. I have worked since the tenth grade, and some of my other friends from high school have not worked a real job a single day in their lives. They still are so dependent on their parents and that is just unreal to me. I need to surround myself with people that understand and are going through the same struggles I am going through because I do not have time for the petty arguments that sometimes come up with some old friends. They see the smallest issues as horrible problems and its like our perspectives are just 100% different. Idk I dont mean to make anyone angry but I mean, some thing are just not worth fighting over to me and I just ignore what I can because i dont need the unnecessary drama. sorry.

** i would like everyone to feast their eyes upon the world record holder for the most tattooed senior citizen. her tattoos still look pretty well kept.....sorry but maybe some people who actually take care of their bodies wont get extremely unattractive sags.**


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