Thursday, July 1, 2010

Awake these people up and show them they keep dreamin' Breathe, Stretch, Shake, Let it Go

"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best."
-Marilyn Monroe

I think that the above quote is the best evidence as to why I love Marilyn Monroe so much. She was so real and so open and most importantly she was so comfortable being who she was even in a time that didnt accept many of the things she said or did. I freaking love this woman. AND contrary to any ones beliefs (some question on my formspring) I DO NOT think I look like her and I am not trying to be her at all. She is just one of my idols and I look up to her. The END.

So. I have an anger problem. I need to take up kick boxing or something because I am at work and I was almost just in tears because I was just so annoyed with this man that works here. And the littlest things bother me too. Like for example what got me annoyed this morning was my boss brought in donuts for the office and they are sitting on the ledge above my desk. These two men that work here came in and just started shoveling the donuts into their mouths and talking and stuff and it BOTHERED me so much I had to excuse myself and walk down to my moms office and pace the floor (i threw some punches and jabs into the pacing as well just to cool off lol) and just little things make me SO angry sometimes so I decided to make a list of the things that have really made me angry lately:
-talking with food in mouth (dont do it, its disgusting and the sound of the food and someone talking is just gross)
-When people scratch their backs on their doors (dont ask, someone at work does it and i want to scream every time they do it)-When people dont act their age (young and old people)
-When people do not take responsibility for their actions and then complain about how much their lives suck (this is not meant to be a stab at any one person just a generalization)
-Telling people something probably a million times yet they arent able to get it through their thick skulls
-My DKNY Be Delicious perfume. The smell is too strong and it makes me ralf.
-When people are always complaining about little problems that are literally the stupidest things in the world
-When people do not take me seriously
-When people think to far into things I do or say to them and put words into my mouth that I never said (once again this is not a stab at any one person its just a generalization)
-The fact that I promised my parents I wouldnt get another tattoo but I am DYING to get one last one on my rib cage
-The fact that I have been working since I was in tenth grade and some of my friends have never worked a day in their lives (like at a real job. but then they complain about the little bit of work a parent asks them to do or if they have to volunteer or work at a little one or two week thing)
-When people spring something on me last minute and then get mad when I have to say no because I have other plans or I am at work. (i.e. a friend let me borrow something and two days ago asked if she could have it back. i of course was like ya ill try to get it to you. well friend wanted it right then but I couldnt get it to them cause i was at work. I told them that I would try to work something out but because I was so busy between that time and the time they needed it, it may not happen. It ended up that I was unable to get this friend their object back and they called me while I was at work and was like well what am i supposed to do. and honestly i really wanted to just be like uhm live without it for a couple days. YOU HAVE A MILLION OTHER ONES SO DEAL WITH IT. if you wanted it back so badly then you should have asked for it back the day after or even the day i used it. youll get it freaking back but dont call me at work and question why i cant get it back to you at that second. I HAVE A JOB. and no you cant go into my house when no one is there just to get this one little thing. ok? thanks)

ANYWHO. sorry about that last one. I just do not understand people sometimes. Certain things can be lived without and to try and make me feel bad about something that was completely in someone elses control is just stupid. BUT regardless of all of the above, I am sooo happy right now. Its thursday and the next few days are going to be so great! The quarter finals for the world cup are on tomorrow and saturday and the peachtree road race is sunday (im not running but i would love to go watch!! any one want to go with me?) and the fourth is sunday as well and hopefully the crew will be able to find something fun to do!!! Next weekend I am hopefully going to Aveda to pay for my kit so i am SOOO excited about that.
HAHAHAHAHA gotta love the crew



  1. LOVEEEEEEEEEE the pic :)and you...

  2. lol brings back memories of your subway comics on the white board
