Thursday, July 22, 2010

It sucks when you wake up happy from a dream that will most likely never come true.

No but really. Im so serious. Have you ever had a really great dream and you wake up the next morning and your smiling so hard and you just have the best feeling.....until you realize that it most likely will never come true. I had that dream last night. I woke up feeling so great, so happy, i may or may not have even had a little chuckle as i got out of bed. And then it hit me. It felt like i had run into my door or some kind of wall. I realized that this wonderful dream I had, that made me feel so happy, probably will never happen. And the thought of that makes me want this dream to come true even more!! AHH. i hate reality sometimes.

I have been so happy lately. Even though this past weekend really could have sucked, I didnt let the negatives bother me. Someone recently told me that when they are feeling down they start thinking of all the positives in their life. Even if they feel like there is nothing good, they just start naming good things in their life. The more positive thoughts you put in your head, the more positive energy you will obtain. I have a lot of good stuff going on in my life. My parents and i get along really well, I have a great career ahead of me, I know exactly what I want to do with my life; so why worry about a few little things that arent helping me achieve my goals? I guess my point is, I always care too much. I stress too much about things that do not really matter. And while some people have gotten upset with this recent finding, I just have to stop worrying about what people are gonna say about me (ya hard to believe I actually do think about what people are saying about me sometimes and yes some of the things do hurt my feelings) I cannot control other peoples actions and if they chose to hurt me, then that is on their conscience and as a believer in karma, I can only hope that they get back exactly
what they are doing to me (or did to me).

My lovely friend Kate is coming back from Africa on saturday and I look forward to lunch with her on sunday!! Please please please everyone, religious or not, pray that she has a safe trip home. I am literally so proud of this girl. And every single person she is helping in Africa, I am sure, feels so blessed because Kate is one of the most selfless people I know and she just exerts so much love and passion and I cannot even imagine how many lives she has touched. After everything she has been through, it is amazing to see how she can still reach out to others and help others even at some of her harder times. I am excited to see where she goes in life because I know she is capable of great things. Love you Kate



  1. When you feel like someone has hurt you, do like you said and think of the positives in your life. I don't get my feelings hurt too easily but it's only because I remember everyone is human and the person saying something that bothers me has probably had something just as bad said about them or to them. People are people. No one is better than you so where do they get the right to upset you? I know it is easier said than done but everyday you will hear things that will upset you and you just have to let it go and remember there are more important things to consume your time. Like your friend KATE!! :) love ya

  2. your so right. i know a lot of times i am very difficult to be friends with. i expect to much and i get my feelings hurt when something is said by a close friend. i just have to keep reminding myself that no one is perfect, myself included, and at the end of the day those friends will still be by my side and help me whenever i need it. love you girl :)
