Monday, September 20, 2010

On to the Next One.

Im pissed. Cocorosie is TOMORROW and i do not have the money to purchase a ticket. Sometimes I question whether or not Aveda is worth saving all this money for. I question it for about a milla second then i slap myself for being so stupid for even thinking that. Aveda has been my dream since I can remember and I am finally getting the chance to go! Of course its worth it.

I just got back from the most amazing weekend at the lake. It was my moms birthday yesterday and let me say one thing. I can only hope and pray that I get my mom and dads aging genes cause they both look amazing for their age! I am so blessed and so thankful to have such a good relationship with both my parents. This past weekend, my dad had to go out of town for his defense force weekend so my mom and I took a road trip up to the lake. The house is on Hartwell and the area it is in is pretty secluded. The house is beautiful and so quiet and peaceful. My mom and I went up after traffic died down on friday and got there when it was dark. Because it is in a secluded area, there are not many lights or even signs of other people around. The area is soo dark and quiet and any little sound outside can send chills up your spine. Of course my mom and I being two semi defenseless females were scared out of our minds driving down the pitch black extremely LOOOOOOOOOONG driveway. No lights were on in the house and we had to figure out how to get this key out of this little box thingy. We both kept jumping at any little sound even though we had two flashlights and two lanterns. We finally made it into the house and did the ritual "house check". I, being the scaredy cat that I am, grabbed the biggest knife that i could find and followed my mom around the house as we checked all the doors and under all the beds. We finally gave the house an "OK" and unpacked our stuff and settled down in some comfy chairs. We spent the rest of the night laughing about how chicken we were and tucked in for a great night sleep. Saturday morning was spent at "Evas" the best little breakfast place where for about $3 you can get a full plate of delicious breakfast foods. After that we headed to Cha Ram park and took a quick hike then found a nice rock over looking some rapids and talked for a long time. My sister and her boyfriend met us at the house a little bit later and that night my moms best friend was able to come up and surprise my mom and we had an awesome night of canoeing and smores. After this weekend, I felt so blessed to be so close with my mom. She is an amazing person and the best friend anyone could ask for :)

So after doing that list in the last post it really made me feel better so here is the list of things on Kims mind right now:
-I wish people werent such creeps
-I wish you understood
-I wish you wouldn't change for the worse
-I wish I could see you
-I wish you would get over yourself
-I wish I could be back at the lake
-I wish it was thursday so I could be with my beautiful best friends :)
-I wish my dad would sleep in past 3:45 every morning
-I wish I hadsome pizza right now
-I wish I could just stop talking to you without you getting offended
-I wish you would leave me alone and stop being so clingy
-I wish I knew your intentions
-I wish you knew how I really felt about you
-I wish you werent such a coward
-I wish I could eat at chipotle every day of my life
-I wish people werent so lame
-I wish you loved yourself as much as I love you
-I wish it was Tuesday so I could watch Glee tonight (im so lame but its a great show)
-I wish I had new clothes
-I wish you weren't so vain and conceited
-I wish I wasn't at work
-I wish I didn't always get attacked by mosquitoes
-I wish I could get a hair cut.


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