Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Im sippin on some sunshine

I've got my life in a suitcase,
I'm ready to run, run, run away..
I've got no time, 'cause I'm always trying to run, run, run away
'Cause everyday in here feels like it's only a game.
I've got my life in a suitcase, a suitcase, a suitcase...

I need a better outlet for writing my negative thoughts. After rereading my last post I realized, what good is it doing me for people to read my negative thoughts. This blog has gotten to the point where sometimes I only post about whats bothering me rather than whats going on in my life and what is good. The truth is I live a very simple life and thats all I really need. Lately I have been living with
out drama which makes it even better. I work very hard to be able to enjoy myself and I put a lot of effort into making sure the people closest to me are happy as well. I have some amazing family and friends. I have this one friend, sigmakappamu 4lyfe, who literally has changed my life this summer. This girl shows me the joy in the little things. She makes life fun (like instead of having the same get togethers every week, she suggests hat parties and such how creative!) she is spontanious and doesnt dwell on the bad things. Even when she is a little bit upset about something, the way she confronts people about them is
the most non argressive way possible. She is amazing and i think I speak for everyone that knows her when i say she is truly a blessing to have as a friend. ALSO. I miss my KayPeaaaaa. She is my other half. My heart and soul. It is so sad to have school starting back and not be with her. We had so many plans for this year and we both went our separate directions. Hopefully after this first semester we will be reunited again. I truly truly truly miss her. Boo and Babygirl. All I really needed......

Life is meant to be lived. I am so happy to be able to go to a school like Aveda. I did decently in high school and did well when I tried in college but since the 6th grade I have always known that I was meant to do something different. Traditional education is not for everyone and there are only so many jobs that make you stand out as a person. I do not want to work a desk job for the rest of my life. I want to go out and experience the world and pave my own path in hopes that one day when I have kids, they will see that anything is possible and happiness, not wealth, is what you should strive for. So what if I am going to beauty school. I still have so much potential to support my self and be successful and at the end of the day, I will come home and actually be happy and I will look forward to working. The Official Countdown to Aveda: 97 days!!!! Ah its so far away so I am just praying these next months go by as fast as possible.

On another note. I miss nicaragua. I miss the pure lo
ve and happiness that I felt being with all those amazing children. I want to go back.


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