Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I've got some issues that nobody can see and all of these emotions are pouring out of me

Everyone please disregard that last post. I was stressed about a certain situation that I am COMPLETELY over now. duly noted.

I have been lucky enough this summer to meet some really amazing people. Ive had to sort through a lot of haters before I could really find these people but it was so worth it. I am happier than I have been in a long time currently. There is no drama, no fights, NOTHING going on with my friends right now and its so refreshing. We all realize we are grown ups now and there is no need for all the high school/middle school drama bullshit.

Needless to say while I am so happy right now that doesnt mean that my life is perfect. I go through my hard times, a lot. But for some reason it has gotten easier to deal with them. I see the big picture now not the little hurtful details. But the one thing that is really getting to me right now is BOYS. I mean whats new. I feel like I finally have like a crush and I have not had this feeling in SO long. Like I didnt even have this feeling with certain boyfriends. This is so amazing to feel something and be excited about something but I forgot about all the anxiety and stress that comes with this new found crush. Is it acceptable for me to text? What signs are bad signs? Am I being to annoying? Should I text to see what they are up to? Or should I just scratch all of that and wait for a text from him? Its so stupid. Like I decided to just stop over analyzing all this and just be myself. I understand completely that myself is a little overbearing and too talkative sometime but I feel like eventually someone will love that trait about me. Maybe me being myself in these situations will help me find that someone sooner. I am not ashamed of being me and if the certain person right now isnt feelin it then so be it. It wasnt meant to happen. No harm no foul. AND no tears at all....boys are not worth tears cause lord knows the majority of guys dont shed tears for you!

Its officially August. I start Aveda in 3 months. Words cannot explain my excitement. Uhm and a quick story real fast. I have a light green lighter that I stuck an Aveda Sticker on. The other night me and Sarah had let someone use it then they gave it back. I know they gave it back but I dont know what I did with it after that. I later went to let someone else borrow it and it was gone! That night I was carrying my brown purse and I emptied the entire purse out onto my friend Daniels bed. My favorite lucky lighter was no where to be found. THE NEXT DAY. I decided to carry another purse and I emptied all the contents of the brown bag into a red over the shoulder bag. That night someone asked if anyone had a lighter. I dug around my bag and nonchalantly pulled out a mini lighter, my mini green Aveda lighter. Me and Sarah literally freaked out. I know that i lost that lighter the night I lent it out to people but SOMEHOW that lucky Aveda lighter made it back to me, in a different purse. crazy. fate. love.

*My New Home :-]]]]]]]]*

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