Saturday, May 22, 2010

Celebrate we will. Because life is short but sweet for certain

Friends are truly a blessing. It is amazing how you can feel like you are in the biggest slump of your life and nothing will get you out of it then a good friend comes along and changes your whole perspective. It is also amazing to see how quickly someone is willing to ditch friends when one little thing changes. A best friend will be there for you no matter what through thick and thin laughing and crying with you. But that friend seems so easily disposable when a boy or girl comes along and steals your attention. Is it worth it to lose someone that could potentially be there for your entire life to be with someone that may not be with you for your entire life. Girls, myself included, are terrible with this. And a very wise person (my momma ha) once told that boys never compromise their lives (men may but boys wont) to fit a girl in. If a girl fits then good. If she doesnt he isnt going to drop his friends or forget about his life just to be with the girl. Us girls make the one mistake that is making boys our life. The whole point of dating is to share your life with someone else not make someone else your life. Cause lord knows a boy is not gonna make you his life.

I guess I might as well get this over with. Yes, I am fine after my recent break up. It was hard but to be honest its for the best. I am not going to talk bad about him beca
use he was a great boyfriend he really was but its for the best. I tried so hard throughout the relationship to make him happy that I didnt ever really think about myself. I changed myself to fit what I thought wouldnt upset him. This were just not good because he was the type and still is, that will never confront you about anything (and most people that know me would understand my concern with that seeing as how I am VERY confrontational) I never knew if what I was saying or doing was making him happy or upsetting him. I started to over think certain situations and neither one of us handled it well. Yes the way he broke up with me, over a text, was not classy and extremely hurtful, our break up was the best. I was in no state of mind for a relationship and without getting to far into it right now, i was somewhat pushed into something I was uncomfortable with. I was in no way emotionally ready for the commitment we had to each other and for the seriousness of our relationship. Once we broke up, i was finally able to be the person that I know I am. It sucks because if only he would have communicated with me I feel that he wouldnt have lost his feelings for me. No one told me how i was acting and I was so blind to it that I could have never known to change. While i do wish second chances were available for this certain situation, there are just certain stubborn qualities that make people unable to bend at all and consider someone elses feelings for once. Stubbornness is a quality we all possess and I know for a fact im stubborn as hell but at least i give people chances to change and I am open to differences and opinions. I am not trying to sound bitter or the least bit angry and I know a lot of the above may sound like im trying to guilt or pressure someone into something but thats not it at all. I feel like I just need to explain my side. People saw how I reacted to our break up and to our overall relationship. I looked like the bad guy in the relationship I looked like the bitchy girlfriend that was demanding and overbearing. But there are two sides to every story and there is always a reason for peoples actions. Just because he never showed emotion or anger or jealousy or meanness doesnt mean it wasnt there.

I am ok. I swear. And like i said I have no hard feelings. I have dealt with my demons and I am a very happy person. I am finally myself and I am looking forward to someone allowing me to share my true self with them. If that is someone from my past and they are willing to accept the fact that who they dated was not my true self and now i am devoted to being myself for now on, then great thats great. But narrow minded people are happy with their narrow minded world and one day they will learn that what they say doesnt always go and someday they will understand what true h
urt really feels like.

I have no qualms with anyone. I dont hate anyone. And anyone I was talking about in this, if i were to see them today or tomorrow or anytime in the future, I would be fine with them. I am myself now and I couldnt be happier. I guess I just had to once and for all get everything out. Get everything out and be done with it. There is no use in dwelling on the past because for every second we dwell and live in the past, we are wasting precious time that we will never get back. Go out and live. Go out and be free. Go run, jump, smile, laugh, hang out with people that make you happy. Live your life. Dont ever live for someone else. Live for yourself. Be yourself.


You have your happiness in the palm of your hand. Whatcha gonna do with it?

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