Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I hate it when Sweaters shed all over black dresses.

I think im grey. Im wearing a grey sweater and my skin is oddly similar to the color of the sweater. I like to say my skin color is not pale but "alabaster" it sounds classier. Ive grown to embrace my pale skin but there is still once thing that I cant stand about being a pale kid. Pictures with tan people. Whenever I take pictures with tan people, which is like all the time, i stick out like a sore thumb. And sometimes theres this like little blur around me when its dark and the flash is on. Its quiet annoying but im slowly learning to love the pale kid blur as well.

My job consists of answering phones "good morning/afternoon *insert company*......one second let me transfer you" so one can assume that 9 hours of this daily is quiet boring. I spend my days on facebook stalking random people (creeeeepy) staring aimlessly at walls and looking at trees outside. The cool thing about looking outside is lately Ive been able to watch the tree turn from a bright green to a beautiful orangey redish color. It makes me happy. The color change is a reminder that a) my school starts soon. b) my favorite holidays are coming up (halloween, thanksgiving, christmas, and of course my birday) and c) I can finally wear my beloved tights and I can dress like a fool and no one will care coz i can blame it on "cold weather" yesssssss.

Whenever I feel stressed or whenever I have something really on my mind i peel my cuticles off. And if anyone has tried to do this one will know that cuticles dont just come off clean and easy. Its a really painful process and i usually end up with about 3 bandaids on. So i sit here typing, looking at my mangled cuticles wondering whats on my mind. Im not unhappy, im actually happier than ive been in a while, im not stressed out coz ive finally rid myself of stressful things, and i feel like i always say whats on my mind so theres really not much on it sitting there dwelling..... i need to get to the root of this current cuticle peeling coz if i dont.....im gonna have to break out the bandaids and ive gone through about 10 of those in the past 2 weeks. damn it.


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